Save Time & Energy with Automation

As we enter this New Normal, many agencies are being flooded with time-consuming tasks. Many professionals have suggested daily employee health screenings, contact tracing, and a staggered entrance to the workplace, and several departments are tackling these initiatives with immense speed and detail.

For health screenings, employees are asked to record their daily temperature and respiratory symptom status, and this data is recorded and kept by Human Resource departments for review in the case of viral outbreak. Similarly, employees are required to complete contact tracing reports on a frequent basis to ensure that they are quarantined in the event that one of their recent contacts presents symptoms of the virus.

Each of these initiatives requires intense detail, precision, and accuracy in order for it to effectively subdue viral outbreaks – meaning, if each is addressed by hand, these initiatives have created several hours of work for an agency’s Human Resource department.

Some agencies have launched these initiatives with Robotic Process Automation, or RPA. The US General Services Administration, for example, has been using RPA to automate infection tracing in its federal properties. According to their RPA program director, this solution has freed up several work hours and thereby enabled the GSA to spend more time enhancing their infection maps and implementing necessary safety measures.

The Department of Homeland Security has similarly implemented several solutions using RPA, including using bots to analyze COVID-19 data. Several other federal, state, and local agencies are seeking out COVID-19 related RPA solutions as well, to be implemented to achieve various goals – from health screening to data analytics, form processing, and beyond.

One popular RPA software is UiPath. Several government agencies, including some of those mentioned above, have used UiPath to automate daily health screenings and contact tracing, and others have used it to process the current influx of social support applications they are receiving due to widespread unemployment.

It is likely that UiPath has gained such popularity in the public sector due to its user-friendly simplicity. The UiPath: StudioX application is designed especially for those without a programming background, so solutions can be implemented almost immediately upon receiving the software.

We know your needs don’t stop at contact tracing. The New Normal is presenting agencies with a wide variety of new requirements to fulfill. SIRC is here to help. If you would benefit from a discussion about UiPath or other potential solutions to these new and pressing issues, please contact us.

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