As SIRC celebrated Halloween, it allowed its employees to participate in Halloween activities, which can develop camaraderie between team members and let them take an enjoyable break from regular work tasks.
Halloween is the time of year when everyone scares one another with their horrific costumes and deviant ways. The SIRC family showed its creativity through their spookiest, scariest, and creepiest Halloween costumes. But, of course, some members made their dream come true by becoming their favorite movie characters. Undeniably, they all looked like supernatural beings!
Other employees even prepared the most gruesome foods that you can imagine! But the cute little dragonflies stood out! Would you still dare to eat these awesome creatures? I don't think so!
Halloween games were even more exciting this year because of the screams, chants, and cheers that showed the competitiveness of each team! No one will ever beat the team whose goal is to win! Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the greatest team of them all? It's Team Adomatics!
You can't say no! This year's Halloween party is beyond doubt the best ever!